December * January

FREE Monthly Certification Programs

Express Interest to Vote for the FREE classes you want to take advantage of this month 

Classes with the most votes are the ones that will be offered. 


New Subjects Every Month

GRAPA - Plus One


Doing revenue assurance for an MVNO, MNO, MVNE or other version of Virtual Operations presents a unique and complex set of special revenue assurance issues for carriers. This course will get you up to speed on the MVNO business for RA Professionals.

(BIR) Business Intelligence for Revenue Assurance Operations

Do better, faster and more accurate revenue assurance by leveraging the latest in Business Intelligence based Revenue Assurance methods and best practices.

(IRH) ICT Risk Hunters

In this class we introduce the student to the core principles that drive the governance function in telecoms and ICT, the key issues and challenges that the industry creates and the proven methods employed to reduce risk and add profit to the company.

(DFS) RA for Digital Financial Services

A comprehensive introduction to how to do Revenue Assurance for mobile Banking, electronic Funds Transfer and all financial transaction based businesses.

Duration : 4 Hours 
Certification : CAMO - (Certified Apprentice MVNO Revenue Assurance) 

Registered Count:


Duration : 4 Hours 
Certification : CARB (Cert. Business Intelligence for Revenue Assurance Apprentice) 

Registered Count:


Duration : 4 Hours 
Certification : CARA (Certificated Apprentice Revenue Assurance) 

Registered Count:


Duration : 4 Hours 
Certification : CADA (Certified Revenue Assurance for Digital Financial Services Apprentice) 

Registered Count:
